Hi, my name is Bojan Đurđević (Djurdjevic using only ASCII). If you can’t pronounce my name, here is a Google TTS to help you with my first name. But relax, I know it’s difficult for English speaking people, and I don’t mind.
I am a software engineer - full stack web developer with a few years of experience. First I got into web development was with PHP. I’ve been working mostly on WordPress and Magento apps for around two years until I discovered Node.js. I started playing with Meteor.js and noticed its potential. It fascinated me with realtime features and code sharing between server and browser. Now I’m mostly using Node.js for web applications with JS UI framework that seems the most suitable for the job. I’ve been working with Angular.js, React.js, Riot.js, Ext.js, Marko.js, and many more.
I’m always trying to build the fastest app without sacrificing user experience. Making the server and the browser work together in the best way to bring the most satisfying experience.